Suzhou Zhiguan Yisheng Information Technology Co., Ltd. has been committed to the Internet of Things since its inceptionRFIDResearch and implementation of industry application technology. For years of service1000+Home to all types of customers. UseRFIDAnalysis of advantages of warehouse management system:1,RFIDWarehouse management system - refined use of warehouseRFIDThe technical operation can automatically transmit the detailed information of related assets to the system in real time,Will not cause the warehouse due to human error......
Suzhou Zhiguan Yisheng Information Technology Co., Ltd. has been committed to the Internet of Things since its inceptionRFIDResearch and implementation of industry application technology. For years of service1000+Home to all types of customers.
Make use ofRFIDThe technical operation can automatically transmit the detailed information of related assets to the system in real time,The warehouse data will not be confused because of human error.
2,RFIDWarehouse management system - warehouse easy tally
Do not consider whether to remember the assets on the repository location, do not consider whether the inventory position is incorrect after the asset is moved. On the basis ofRFIDtagAsset tracing, the system can quickly query the asset information on the warehouse location, quickly submit the tally action, and easily solve the tally problem.
3,RFIDWarehouse management system - accurate inventory,Save time and effort
No more need to print inventory sheets, record asset information, and manually summarize inventory.RFIDtagAsset traceability, system adoptionRFIDHandheld terminalFast scanning, software background update records, automatically record inventory data, generate data difference table, to solve the two time-consuming and labor-intensive problems of asset data recording and data summary during inventory.
4,RFIDWarehouse management system - Asset traceability, well documented
perfectRFIDLabel management mechanism,Can correspond to assetsRFIDTags and unique codes Query asset details and status,Problems can be traced to the source, the system can not only trace the single product, but also the whole box, the whole batch and all the assets of the supplier, and the preservation of big data is also for subsequent assessment and screeningsupplierProvide strong data support.
Users can useRFIDWarehouse management system at any time, the latest dynamic inventory information, the system according to the customer set the minimum alarm value automatically according to the number of warehouse assets alarm tips.
Including inbound and outbound process, warehouse internal management process, asset quality traceability process, improve the shortcomings of traditional warehouse management, improve staff efficiency, reduce internal consumption.
At the same time, this system can provide interfaces with other systems to assist enterprises to quickly integrate information. On the one hand, improve the management efficiency of enterprises, enhance the level of modern management of enterprises, and shape the core value of enterprises. On the other hand, it helps enterprises optimize the process and strengthen the collaboration between enterprises in the supply chain,So as to realize the integration of information application between enterprises.
Why did the introduction of a costly fixed asset system end in failure? No matchingRFIDEquipment, too time is not clear, but can not count the assets that are out of reach, asset managers do it and give up. Why buy and useRFIDEquipment, still can not achieve quick inventory operation? Different application scenarios for labels, collection equipment selection are very sophisticated, yesRFIDLack of understanding of the features, inaccurate matching, instead.....
The view of wisdom is easyRFIDWarehouse management system products or raw materials have a clear identity binding, which can effectively improve the efficiency and accuracy of sorting and shipping Remote data reading without manual inventory, improve inventory turnover and warehouse utilization.
According to the statistics of the National Archives Administration, by2008The national archives warehouse area is285.610,000 square meters, and the archives are25284.5manmaki;There are also all kinds of audio and video files, electronic files based on disk discs, microfilm files, etc. And every year, the archives warehouse also undertakes a large number of archives into the library storage tasks, most of the archives warehouse is close to saturation...