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RFID fixed asset management software and common asset management software selection

Released Date: Mar 22,2022 Article Source: Suzhou Zhiguan Yisheng Information Technology Co., LTD

RFIDFixed asset management software Choice with common asset management software

Suzhou Zhiguan Yisheng Information Technology Co., Ltd. has been researching for many yearsrfidIn the field of asset management system, we have independent intellectual property rightsRFIDAsset management system,RFIDTags,RFIDPrinter,RFIDScanning gun and other products, with an independent software technical team toRFIDAsset management system as the core service for customers, for enterprises, groups, governments, schools, to provide fixed assets management, asset information registration, asset borrowing maintenance, allocation, depreciation, scrap, disposal, office inventory, automatic generation of inventory information report and other fixed assets management software.

  Suzhou Zhiguan Yisheng Information Technology Co., Ltd. has been committed to the Internet of Things since its inceptionRFIDResearch and implementation of industry application technology. For years of service1000+Home to all types of customers.

  RFIDFixed asset management softwareThe choice of:

  1.According to the number of assets----If assets exceed5000Us dollars, recommendedRFIDUhf tag;

  2.See assets reach distance--If the asset's location can reach far away, RFIDtagRecommended (farthest25M);

  3.Observe the network environment--This parameter is recommended if the asset is in an unnetworked environmentRFIDOffline inventory;

  4.Look at the budget -RFIDtagCompared to ordinary barcode labels, RFIDThe price of the label is more expensive than the ordinary bar code label, but also more convenient and efficient;

Fixed assetsPCEnd entryS

  RFIDFixed asset management softwareThe application effect of:

  1.Improve inventory speed:RFIDHandheld terminalFast inventory, inventory speed increased several times, automatically generate inventory report.

PDAShip multiple button functionsS

  2.Timely grasp of asset information: understand the total number of each asset, location, use, users, depreciation amount, etc.

  3.Full Life Cycle Management:RFIDAsset management can add assets, allocation, collection, inventory, maintenance, scrap and other life cycle management.

  4.Improve management efficiency and reduce error rate:RFIDThe fixed asset management software realizes automatic asset management and improves management efficiency50%Above.

  5.Asset use records: As long as the asset is recovered, transferred, maintenance and other applications will generate the corresponding business records, submitted to the asset manager for approval, and timely asset management, clear whereabouts.

  Suzhou Zhiguan Yisheng Information Technology Co., Ltd. has been researching for many yearsrfidIn the field of asset management system, we have independent intellectual property rightsRFIDAsset management system,RFIDTags,RFIDPrinter,RFIDScanning gun and other products, with an independent software technical team toRFIDAsset management system as the core service for customers, for enterprises, groups, governments, schools, to provide fixed assets management, asset information registration, asset borrowing maintenance, allocation, depreciation, scrap, disposal, office inventory, automatic generation of inventory information report and other fixed assets management software.

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  • 1377 1886 689
  • 0512-62380743